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"It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read." -- Lemony Snicket

The Anubis Gates (Ace Science Fiction) - Tim Powers I was really excited to read this book but it ended up being kind of disappointing. The premise was interesting and I really enjoyed the first half of the book. Then it took a giant leap into absurdity in the second half, full of meandering, unnecessary subplots and nonsensical magic. I guess I expected this book to be more rooted in science than it turned out to be.
Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii - Lee Goldberg, Andy Breckman Another fast, fun read. What I found most satisfying about this story was the handling of the "psychic", with the skeptic remaining a skeptic until the end and very thoroughly debunking the con artist in the process, which is what most "psychics" are. The rest are delusional. Usually TV shows or movies will leave the question of whether the "psychic" is real or not open, while hinting that they actually have supernatural abilities. Not so here, which was very refreshing.
Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse - Lee Goldberg, Andy Breckman Fun, quick read. Basically, it's like reading an episode of the show. The line I found the funniest: "He stepped on a dirty diaper and screamed." Heh.
The Map of Time - Nick Caistor, FĂ©lix J. Palma Thoroughly enjoyed this, though it wasn't quite what I was expecting going into it. The book description is a little misleading, since you don't get to the events described in it until the last 100 pages of the book. Nevertheless, I like the author's writing style and didn't mind the conversational tone he used for the narrator of the story. I never found it boring, despite the numerous tangents and side stories.
If I Stay - Gayle Forman Obviously this was not the book for me. I never connected with any of the characters. Total snoozefest.
Blackthorn Winter - Kathryn Reiss This book was okay. I think as a teenager, I would have loved it. The mystery wasn't very complicated. I knew who the culprit was immediately, and perhaps as a result of this, Juliana's increasing paranoia kind of got on my nerves. Nancy Drew, she is not.
The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde I so wanted to like this book more than I actually did. The story was kind of all over the place and the main event, for which the book is named, didn't even happen until the last 100 pages. It just felt like it was trying too hard to be cutesy and clever. Still, I may check out the next book to see if the series grows on me.
Unhallowed Ground - Heather Graham I have a feeling I am going to think this book is stupid, not really being a fan of paranormal stories, but I got it for free from my cousin, so what the hell.


Yep, pretty dumb.
TimeRiders - Alex Scarrow This book was okay...definitely geared towards teenage boys. I think I would have really enjoyed this if I had read it as a kid, but now it's just sort of...meh. I didn't really find the plot all that interesting. I mean, hasn't the WWII thing been done like a million times already? Actually, now that I think about it, this book would probably make a good TV show for kids. Kind of like Sliders, without the alternate dimensions.
Real Live Boyfriends: Yes. Boyfriends, Plural. If My Life Weren't Complicated, I Wouldn't Be Ruby Oliver - E. Lockhart This one felt a little forced compared to the previous three books. The characters seemed crazier than usual and I wanted to strangle nearly all of them. Great series though overall.
The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver  - E. Lockhart Ended up liking this book a lot more than I expected to. I thought it might turn out to be a little too adolescent for me, but there was some good advice in there that I could do well to apply to my own life. Brought back a lot of memories of when I was in high school.
Genesis - Bernard Beckett Awesome book. I very much enjoyed the philosophical discussion between Adam and Art, though that particular topic always makes me somewhat uncomfortable, since my head sides with Art but my heart sides with Adam, and I can't seem to reconcile the two. Anyway, will definitely re-read at some point, now that I know how it ends.
The Witching Hour - Anne Rice Having loved Anne Rice's vampire books as a teenager, I decided to try one of her other series. This just didn't work for me. I had no problem with the writing, but I am not really into reading about witches. And the older I get, the less stories about the supernatural appeal to me in general. I doubt I would be able to stand a re-reading of her vampire novels anymore either - I think Stephenie Meyer (and all her copycats) may have ruined vampires for me forever. Boo.
Divergent  - Veronica Roth I enjoyed reading this, but never got fully invested in the characters like I did in The Hunger Games. Felt like too much of a copycat to me. Plus the premise is really kind of stupid when you think about it. I will probably read the next in the series, if the buzz about it is good.
Bet Me - Jennifer Crusie I don't know why I keep reading this crap. I guess the optimist in me sees a book like this, reads the back, and goes "oh, maybe this one will be better!" And they never are. Hmph.
The Man Who Folded Himself - David Gerrold WTF. This started out interesting and got weird real quick. How does this book come recommended? I read this on vacation and would periodically yell out to my cousin "Oh my god! Guess what he did now!?", while shaking my head.