It was once wryly observed by author John Rogers that “(t)here are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s l...
Each issue of Lapham's Quarterly includes dozens of brief excerpts from historical literature on a particular topic. Spannin...
Awhile back, Slate published an article denigrating the phenomenon of adults reading YA fiction. In my little black heart of...
I once tried to devise a term to describe the euphoria a person feels when he approaches the end of a book he has not enjoyed...
Everyone in this novel is an unlikable psycho. Fucking romantic comedy, man. Works way better on screen when you don't have t...
This article rebuts (heh, rebuts) another article decrying textspeak as the worst thing ever we're all going to die civilizat...
Extremely scientific parsing of what one's favorite book might mean in the context of dating. The writers don't mention the g...
"She was an avid reader, which is almost the same thing as having friends."
Now there is nothing left to do But scribble in the dusk and watch with the beloved Peach blossoms float downstream. Looking ...
CONTINUING TO LOVE THIS. The Babylonians used a "sexagesimal" place value system, meaning that they counted in sixties in...
This book is TERRIFYING. I am absolutely loving it, and have not been able to put it down... except last night. Even thoug...
I am furious at myself for having avoided this book for so long, on the basis that, as I've heard and occasionally read, it w...
”It is only in bad science fiction that the alien being acts like a costumed human, differing from the familiar only in appea...
Dark Places predates Gone Girl, and I think is a stronger book. I liked Gone Girl well enough, but this one is darker, harshe...