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"It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read." -- Lemony Snicket

A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole Well, you can add me to the list of people who don't "get" this book. It didn't seem to have any point. While there were a few amusing moments (namely, Miss Trixie continually referring to Ignatius as Gloria and a few well-placed uses of the word "mongoloid"), mostly I was just bored reading this.
The Descendants - Kaui Hart Hemmings I added this book to my to-read shelf after having seen the movie, which I really enjoyed. As it turns out, the book is almost identical to the movie, so while it's decently written, I think I prefer the 2-hour movie version to the 9-hour audiobook version.
Feed - M.T. Anderson So, the ending was pretty gut-wrenching, but I can't say that I really enjoyed reading this book. I had a hard time getting into it and found it difficult to give a crap about the story or anyone in it, until that ending. Sad.
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements - Sam Kean 2.5 stars
Time's Twisted Arrow (Timebound) - Rysa Walker 4.5 stars

Wow, this book was fun, fun, fun. Definitely one of the better time travel books I have ever read. What impressed me the most was that the author managed to create this intricately plotted storyline that still managed to make sense, which in other books often just becomes this jumbled mess, but here she nails it. I can't wait to see how this series unfolds.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky I decided to finally get around to reading this after recently seeing the movie, which I loved. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie, since I had read such mixed reviews about the book, with those disliking it talking about how the narrator seemed autistic or something. After reading it, I have to agree. This book was just...odd. Something definitely seemed off with Charlie. And the incessant crying just made me want to punch him.

Murder at Longbourn - Tracy Kiely 3.5 stars
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell 4.5 stars
Radiant Days - Elizabeth Hand This book was okay. I liked the idea more than the execution. The author has a distinct writing style that is not for everyone, including me, it seems. It's just kind of...blah.
The Native Star - M.K. Hobson Normally I am not a fan of magic in books, since most of it just seems nonsensical to me. What this book does a pretty good job of, though, is laying out the ground rules for how the magic works in this universe, and it even delves into the source of it all, which reminded me a bit of the Xanth novel The Source of Magic. Pretty neat. I am looking forward to the next in the series.
Unwind - Neal Shusterman Fairly well-written, fast-paced tale that was ruined for me by the ridiculous premise. There were so many things about this world that I just couldn't swallow. Clappers, muscle memory, storking -- all just stupid. Perhaps if this were much further into the future or some other civilization altogether, maybe I could have suspended disbelief enough to enjoy the story. This book is supposed to take place in the near future (a few decades?), but I could detect no difference between our present and the one in the book other than these ill-conceived laws and (mostly impossible, at least in the near future) medical technology. There was one mention of an iPod in an antique store, but that was it.

Ugh, this book.
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again - David Foster Wallace I skipped most of the David Lynch essay and didn't read the Michael Joyce one at all, but I was really only interested in the state fair and cruise ship essays anyway. Both of which were brilliant and funny.
Unspoken - Sarah Rees Brennan Wow. I didn't expect to dislike this book as much as I did. Choppy transitions, weird sentence structure, overly witty and unrealistic dialogue, and I was bored out of my mind. I am baffled by the four and five star reviews.
Passion - Jude Morgan I defer to this awesome review another user also posted:

An Assembly Such as This - Pamela Aidan This book does the same thing that another retelling I read of a Jane Austen novel from the man's point of view does -- provides too much detail about shit that does not matter to the story. Why did this retelling need to be broken up into THREE novels? Ridiculous. I was listening to the audiobook version, and I must have forgotten to sample it before buying because the narrator's voice was awful. I was extremely bored the few hours I managed to make it through before deciding to call it quits.
Insurgent - Veronica Roth This book was like watching a shitty episode of Lost (which is pretty much every episode), where you are mostly confused as to what is going on, nothing is really happening, but you are hoping to get some answers at the end. Instead what you end up with is a lame cliffhanger and just more questions.